Bridge Seventy- Seven - Ponte de l'Anatomia

We walked across the Campo San Giacomo dell'Orio to reach Ponte de l'Anatomia, a stone bridge leading into a short, 'double-barrelled' sotoportego, something not often seen in Venice.

Bridge Seventy-Five - Ponte de l'Anatomia

The bridge name comes from a nearby 'anatomy theatre' that was proposed by Alessandro Benedetti, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery at the well-known University in Padua in the 1400s, but only opened in 1671, and existed until it was destroyed by fire in 1800. It seems this theatre wasn't an operating theatre in the contemporary sense of the word, but rather used for education, in other words, for dissecting cadavers.

Bridge Seventy-Five - Ponte de l'Anatomia

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